telephony voiceover
for voicemails, on-hold messages, IVR systems and more.
what is telephony voiceover?
Telephony voiceover refers to the recording and implementation of professional narration for your company’s phone messages. This includes your voicemail, on-hold messages, IVR system options, outbound automated messages and much more.
Sometimes these messages are simply recorded by an employee. The thing is, employees likely lack the proper recording environment and equipment to properly do the job. Since these messages help establish a relationship with customers and set the tone for your public perception, it’s important to get it right. Hire a pro to voice these things, and you won’t regret it.
how to ensure your voicemail message is professional
So what makes a voicemail sound more professional? Here are a couple things to consider:
Use clear, concise, and professional scripts. Provide the necessary information and get out of the way; you don’t want to make your customers wait too long, so a short and informative script is paramount to customer satisfaction. Include the business name, hours of operation, and expectations for the customer. For example: “Thank you for calling Company ABC. Our offices are currently closed. Our hours of operation are Monday through Friday, from 8AM to 5PM Eastern Standard Time. Please leave a detailed message with your name, number, and the reason for your call, and one of our representatives will be in touch with you during business hours. Thank you.”
Provide a friendly and upbeat tone. You want customers to feel welcome and appreciated, so ensure that your chosen voice actor has a friendly and welcoming sound. Sometimes, voicemails are the first impression that your business has with a customer, so having the proper tonality is essential.
on-hold message considerations
On-hold messages are typically used during business hours when a customer is waiting for a representative to assist them further. These messages often have a few key features that keep listeners entertained while they wait for further assistance. For example:
Background music: if someone has to wait for an extended period of time for assistance, it’s polite to provide some light background music for their enjoyment. This helps reduce those impatient feelings that might arise when waiting, as they can let their attention wander a bit while waiting. It also provides an auditory cue, as the music generally stops when a representative has become available.
Periodic facts or snippets: while customers are waiting, you can interject periodically with important facts or information to share. This is a good time to share things like benefits or features of products and services. It’s also good to occasionally re-affirm that someone will be with them shortly.
The option to request a callback: let’s face it, no one wants to wait on hold if they can help it. Instead of forcing customers to wait for an extended period of time while a rep becomes available, allow them to request a callback instead by pressing a button on their keypad. Whether or not this is doable for you likely depends on your phone system’s capabilities, but its a really nice thing to have from a customer service standpoint.
additional things to consider
Getting a professional company voicemail is not typically a one-and-done endeavor. If you want the sound of your voicemail system to remain consistent, you need a voiceover talent that can deliver updated content to you at a moment’s notice. Here are examples of why you need voiceover talent on a regular basis for your telephone system messages:
holiday messages, which will be needed throughout the year.
closures due to inclement weather or adjusted schedules, which can happen any time.
after-hours emergency messages, which help safely inform and direct customers.
Need an american male voice for your telephone message content?
Trevor O’Hare has voiced projects for Fortune 500 companies, as well as mom and pop shops. He has over twenty years of professional recording experience, and is ready to narrate your upcoming telephony voiceover projects. Listen to his voicemail, on-hold, and IVR voiceover samples today, or reach out directly for a custom audition sample and quote.